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  • Product Review Terms & Conditions


    If you bought some gear a while back then we’d love to know how it went. Drop a review on our website and we’ll drop you a 10% voucher as a thank you!* 


    To submit a review, go to the product page and scroll down below the description and find ‘customer reviews’. Emailing reviews to staff is not valid for voucher reward. 

    One voucher per customer. Vouchers cannot be combined and are linked to the email which submits the review.  

    To help avoid fake/spam reviews, vouchers are only given for reviews which are published. Hunters Element staff hold the right to decline reviews which they deem to be spam or inappropriate. We will try to publish and send vouchers ASAP, however, there is no time limit for staff to publish and process vouchers. If you’re still reading this – you're a legend.